Support Our Club

The Rocky Motorcycle Club is a Non-Profit Organization with an incredible Family orientated feel. By becoming a member of the club you will have access to the Table Top Raceway Track featuring a regularly groomed track, onsite camping, and an enduro cross area. Membership with a Club gives our riders a voice in today’s political environment to advocate for rights for our current riding areas. Having a family or single membership saves on race day fees over purchasing day passes as well. The proceeds from memberships go towards track maintenance, events, and advertising for the Rocky Motorcycle Club.

"We appreciate every one of our members and the Family environment our Club provides." - Rocky Motorcycle Club


Rocky Motorcycle Club



Valid January 1 - December 31

Family $300

Individual 18+ $150

Individual Minor $75-$150

New to iRaceReady? Read more below.


Rocky Motorcycle Club



Valid One Day Only

Individual 18+

Individual Minor


New to iRaceReady? Read more below.

If you do not have a profile on from registering from other events, you will need to create one and then you can proceed to select your RMC membership or day pass.

Individual minors must have their own profile to get any variation of the individual minor (under 18) memberships but the parent must complete the online registration (ie. Donnie is 14 and needs a membership, so I as the parent create his profile then select the desired membership and I, the parent, complete the transaction accepting the waivers.)


Important Notice: If you wish to have a family membership the parent/guardian creates a profile (or uses existing profile) and processes the payment. Do not add your family members to this or you will be charged $300 per person. You will then email the club directly the list of family members included in said membership. Email Details are on Race Ready and will be emailed to you in a receipt.

If you earned a membership by volunteering, please contact the club directly through the above email, we cannot process free/partially free memberships through the Race Ready system.


  1. All riders must have a current Rocky Motorcycle Club Membership.
  2. Any rider under the age of 18 years must have signed consent from a parent or legal guardian.
  3. Participants must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs that could affect their normal mental or physical ability.
  4. Race participants may select the appropriate class to their ability; if the chosen class is deemed inappropriate by the Club executive, the participant will be advised accordingly.
  5. Any grievances in a race must be presented to Club executive, in writing, within 30 minutes of results being posted.
  6. No littering at race sites; use the garbage cans and dumpster or take it with you.
  7. Race participants may be removed from an event and/or the Club for breaking any rule of conduct or Table Top Raceway rule.
  8. Observed infractions to the rules of conduct must be reported to the Club executive.



  1. All racers must possess an RMC day pass or current membership to participate in RMC events and races.
  2. Any rider under the age of 18 years must have signed consent from a minimum of 1 parent/ Guardian. Both are to sign whenever possible.
  3. Minimum safety requirements of boots and helmets must be worn AT ALL TIMES when on any type of off-road equipment or bike.
  4. No littering. Pack in pack out rules must be followed.
  5. Poor sportsmanship on and off the course at RMC events will NOT be tolerated. Penalties will be at the Race Official’s discretion.
  6. Pit areas and fuelling stations will be in a designated area.
  7. Spark arrestor is mandatory to race. This is Law in Alberta and B.C.
  8. All riders must complete 1 full lap to qualify for points. Rocky Motorcycle Club races run for 90 minutes for adult classes, 60 minutes for kids and lady’s classes and 30 minutes for peewee classes unless otherwise stated prior to the start of the race.
  9. Starting the race in the incorrect starting class will result in a DNF.
  10. Courses are marked with pink ribbon for trail and blue ribbon for corners. The blue ribbon will be on the trail side that you will turn on.
  11. Riders must remain within 15 feet of the trail ribbon. Effort must be made to stay on trail. Course cutting by means of short cuts or corner cutting is grounds for a time penalty or disqualification.
  12. When a faster rider comes up behind you please allow them to pass safely.
  13. Roosting the score tent will not be tolerated.
  14. In the event that the ambulance must leave the race, the race will be suspended.
  15. Any injury or incident on course MUST be reported to the Race Official. ALL medical treatment MUST also be reported prior to the end of race day.
  16. In the event that we must stop a race due to unforeseen circumstances, all racers ON COURSE will receive 2 points for that race.
  17. Once results are posted there will be a 15-minute NO CONTACT period followed by a 30-minute protest period.
  18. All protests must be made in writing to the Race Official by the Racer. This is for all classes. Failure to comply will result in protest not being considered.
  19. Protests outside of 30 minutes, unless a result of technical error, will not be considered. It is the responsibility of the Racers to check the results within the 30-minute period.
  20. Kids classes are restricted to kids bikes (smaller than 21"/18" wheel combo).
  21. If you had a podium finish last year you will be bumped to the next class this year.
  22. If you appear to be in the wrong class (either too high or to low) you will me moved up or down as per the race committee decision carrying with you 1/2 points to the next class.
  23. Any protest taken to ANYONE other than the Race Official during and after, the 30-minute protest period will result in a Disqualification.


The Ice Racing Series is subject to the general rules of the Rocky Motorcycle Club as well as the additional Rules laid out below.

  1. Chest Protector and winter goggles required at all times in all classes.
  2. All Motorcycles & ATV require Dead man Tether Killswitch 18″ or shorter. Tether must be a solid material. Start line testing of kill switches will be enforced at Race Officials discretion.
  3. SOLID FULL FRONT & REAR GUARDS Required on motorcycles, No exceptions. Failure to maintain guards will result in rejection from races or entire event. Guards are subject to inspection by CMA race officials.
  4. Side panel & Front Numbers required.
  5. Fueling of any machines must be done on a spill mat or inside of a trailer.
  6. Ride within your skill level.
  7. ATVS – REQUIRE REAR BUMPER GUARDS. Guards are subject to inspection by CMA race officials.
  8. UTV Rear Bright Light – Solid or Flashing, to be mounted 4 feet or higher. Allows riders to see each other in snow dust white outs. Mandatory for the 2019 season.
  9. UTV upper door net must be securely fastened on the driver and passenger side (if carrying a passenger).
  10. UTV passengers must be a current RMC member and pay a daily race fee to be covered by insurance.


The club rules are given to ALL members and are expected to be followed by ALL members. If you have any concerns please contact a Club executive.


  1. One key to the track will be issued per membership (family or individual).
  2. A lost key must be reported to Club executive; there is a $75 fee for a replacement key.
  3. Only members are allowed to be on the track area; spectators must remain in the pit area.
  4. Non-members found riding on the premises will be considered trespassing and the member allowing access to the track will have their membership revoked.
  5. Bikes may not be ridden outside the fenced perimeter.
  6. Helmets and boots must be worn by all riders when on a bike.
  7. No open fires on the premises.
  8. No littering; use the garbage cans and dumpster or take it with you.
  9. Observed infractions to the Table Top Raceway Rules must be reported to the Club executive.


  1. All riders must start the practice; no rider will be permitted to start racing unless they participated in practice.
  2. Points will be awarded on the finishing position for each moto. Overall finish will be determined by the total number of points received in all of the motos they participate in, with the highest total being the overall winner.
  3. Points determined at moto finish = 1st-25, 2nd-22, 3rd-20, 4th-18, 5th-16, 6th-15, 7th-14, 8th-13, 9th-12, 10th-11, 11th-10, 12th-9, 13th-8, 14th-7, 15th-6, 16th-5, 17th-4, 18th-3, 19th-2, 20th-1.
  4. A rider must complete at least half of the scheduled number of laps to receive points for that moto.
  5. In the case of a tie in overall points, the rider with the higher placing in the last moto will receive the higher overall finish position.
  6. Once results are posted there will be a 15-minute NO CONTACT period followed by a 30-minute protest period.
  7. All protests must be made in writing to the Race Official by the Racer. This is for all classes. Failure to comply will result in protest not being considered.
  8. Protests outside of 30 minutes, unless a result of a technical error, will not be considered. It is the responsibility of the racers to check the results within the 30 minute period.
  9. Any protest taken to ANYONE other than the Race Official during and after, the 30-minute protest period will result in a Disqualification.
  10. If you move down in your race class you take no points with you. If you move up you will take half your points.
  11. Due to mechanical issues race will be held for up to 2 minutes.
  12. Race numbers must be visible on all 3 number plates. Failure to do so will result in a black flag.
  13. Riders who do not make lap scorers and race official aware of number and bike change will result in no points for that moto and a black flag.
  14. Race participants may select the appropriate class to their ability; if the chosen class is deemed inappropriate by the club executive the participant will be advised accordingly and moved to the appropriate class determined by at least 3 executive members.


As a club we get together the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Our meeting room is located at 4907 43 Street in Rocky Mountain House (old Pidherney's). All members are invited to attend.

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